
Thursday 16 July 2015

Inspiration by Linda "Flame in Black"

Hello all you wonderful Crafters out there in Blog land..  I wanted to share with you my latest creation for Ching-Chou Kuik Challenge.  This is week 2 of the month and the Theme is Witch Spook- Gothic.  I have to admit I am not good at Gothic so I hope this is at least a little bit close to the theme. 
I want to invite you all to come play along with us this month for our Monthly Challenge with the theme of  "Sparkle and Shine" .  If you use an image from CCK then you will get two chances to win in the challenge and how cool is that?  Here is the address for that challenge so you don't have to search for it.  So come on Crafters lets see what you can come up with and join in the fun. 

We also have a challenge on our Facebook page too that your welcome to join in on.  That page is here: so come join the fun and see what other inspiration there is for you to get some mojo from. 

Till Next week,
Happy Crafting to you all!!

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