
Thursday, 1 October 2020

🎈 🎈 🎈 Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Inspiration and Challenge Blog - October 2020 - OUR 6TH ANNIVERSARY 🎈 🎈 🎈

Sadly this month we are saying good-bye to Facebook Design Team Member Lori. She has been on the design team for a long time and we shall certainly miss her amazing cards she creates month after month. We wish her all the very best for the future.

Come November 2020 I will be moving to the Facebook Design Team and this left a space on the Blog Design Team.

I would like to welcome to the Blog Design Team Julie Odil.  She will start work on the Design Team in November 2020 and we cannot wait to see the beautiful creations she makes.
It is a VERY special time this month as the Ching-Chou Kuik Challenge Blog and the Facebook Group are celebrating their 6th anniversary.  

This is an AMAZING achievement considering lots and lots of challenges have shut this year but this is down to the wonderful images created by Ching-Chou Kuik, the stunning inspiration provided by all the Design Team Members past and present and especially down to all the crafters that enter are challenges month after month.

We could not go past this milestone without some sort of inspiration so we are providing a free black-and-white image to those that enter the Blog Challenge and the Facebook Challenge.  This time we will be giving away two images - one for those that enter the Blog Challenge and a different image to those that enter the Facebook Challenge.

For the Blog Challenge we will be giving away the image "Night Watchers":
and for those that enter the Facebook Challenge the free image is called "Divine":
PLEASE NOTE:  The free images will be sent to entrants of the challenge at the end of October when the challenge ends.

As it is our 6th anniversary there will be 6 random winners on the Blog Challenge and also 6 random winners for the Facebook Challenge.

The two images given free by Ching-Chou Kuik this month are stunning.  This is what the Design Team have made with them.  

First off are the cards/creations made with the image "Night Watchers":
Next are the creations made with the image "Divine":
It would be such a shame not to have these images in your collection of Ching-Chou Kuik digital stamps.

No onto details of the monthly challenge.  

The topic for October 2020 is:

"SPOOKY OR HALLOWEEN OR PUMPKINS OR HALLOWEEN COLOURS eg black, orange, purple and green".

Time to show you now the cards/creations made by the Blog Design Team.

Using the image "Exotic Night"

Using the image "Little Magic''
Using the image " spooky-blue"

Using the image "Little Magic"

Using the image "Night Walkers".

Using the image "Halloween Trio"

Using the image "Autumn Harvest".

The "rules" of the monthly challenge are very basic and can be found in the blog sidebar or in a page at the top of the blog.

It would be lovely if you could play along with the challenge this month.

You might or might not be aware but they have been some stunning additions to the Etsy Store recently and these include:
This image is called "Owlie Companion".

In this set you will get a black-and-white image and a partially coloured image by Ching-Chou Kuik herself.

There is an amazing array of beautiful digital stamps in the Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Etsy Store.

Why don't you pop on over and take a look?
  There is also a Facebook Group where all new members are very welcome. The Facebook Group can be found HERE.  Here crafters will share their creations made with a Ching-Chou Kuik image.  On the Facebook Group there will also be the details of the monthly Facebook Challenge and details of any sales etc.
 Ching-Chou Kuik is now a proud sponsor over at the Crafting of Hue Facebook Group.

Why not pop on over and take a look. 
 Over at Kit and Clowder you will find details of various on-line classes that you can buy and participate in.  Ching-Chou Kuik is one of the sponsors.  

If you want to find out a bit more about colouring techniques pop on over to Kit and Clowder and have a look.
To enter this challenge you need to use a rubber stamp or digital stamp (black-and-white/grayscale or partially pre-coloured). 
Just coloured in images are NOT allowed.
NO fully digital cards are allowed. 

Please remember when linking to this challenge you MUST link to your blog post and not just your actual blog.  

As you have taken the time to create something to enter into the challenge the Design Team members like to leave you comments but this is made more difficult when they have to look through your blog to find the right card/creation to comment on.  

Thank you for your understanding.

This linky list is now closed.


Suze said...

Congrats on your 6th anniversary. Best wishes to Lori - and thanks to her for all the wonderful inspiration over the years.

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Congratulations Ching Chou Kuik on your 6th anniversary! That is a wonderful milestone. The DT creations are gorgeous! I am in awe of their creations! Your images are fabulous and I love them! Thanks for your monthly challenges and a chance to win more of them. Have a great day! Hugs, Gloria

Granmargaret said...

Happy 6th anniversary
Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team

Maryann scrapbooking said...

Félicitations pour ce nouveau challenge.
C'est avec plaisir que je participe.
♥♥♥ Joyeux Anniversaire ♥♥♥
A très bientôt.

Congratulations on this new challenge.
It is with pleasure that I participate.
♥♥♥ Happy Birthday ♥♥♥
See you soon.

Doris Klein said...

Wow.. what spooky and amazing DT works!

Lovely spooky greetings and stay safe
Kleido’s BastelStüble
*Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
*List Manager* Challenges for Days
*GDT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2