
Thursday, 31 December 2020

Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Inspiration and Challenge Blog - January 2021

Today sees the start of our new challenge.

Firstly a piece of sad news.  Sherry has decided to leave the Blog Design Team.  She has made beautiful creations whilst on the Design Team and will be missed.  We wish her well for the future.

For the month of January 2021 the challenge is:


Time to show you now the cards/creations made by the Blog Design Team.

Using the image Lilac

Using the image "Black Haired Lady''

The "rules" of the monthly challenge are very basic and can be found in the blog sidebar or in a page at the top of the blog.

It would be lovely if you could play along with the challenge this month.
You might or might not be aware but they have been some stunning additions to the Etsy Store recently and these include:
This image is called "Sweet Christmas".

You will get a black-and-white image and a partially coloured image by Ching-Chou Kuik herself.

There is an amazing array of beautiful digital stamps in the 
Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Etsy Store.  They include black-and-white images, greyscale images, partially coloured images and fully coloured images.

Why don't you pop on over and take a look?
There is also a Facebook Group where all new members are very welcome. The Facebook Group can be found HERE.  Here crafters will share their creations made with a Ching-Chou Kuik image.  On the Facebook Group there will also be the details of the monthly Facebook Challenge and details of any sales etc.
 Ching-Chou Kuik is now a proud sponsor over at the Crafting of Hue Facebook Group.

Why not pop on over and take a look. 
Over at Kit and Clowder you will find details of various on-line classes that you can buy and participate in.  Ching-Chou Kuik is one of the sponsors.  

If you want to find out a bit more about colouring techniques pop on over to Kit and Clowder and have a look.
To enter this challenge you need to use a rubber stamp or digital stamp (black-and-white/greyscale or partially pre-coloured or fully coloured in images). 

Just coloured in images are NOT allowed and need to be made into a card/project to enter the challenge.

NO fully digital cards are allowed. 

Please remember when linking to this challenge you MUST link to your blog post and not just your actual blog.  

As you have taken the time to create something to enter into the challenge the Design Team members like to leave you comments but this is made more difficult when they have to look through your blog to find the right card/creation to comment on.  

Thank you for your understanding.  

We look forward to see your creations this month.



This linky list is now closed.


Doris Klein said...

Great DT works and fab inspirations for this fun challenge!

Happy new year and stay safe
Kleido’s BastelStüble
*Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
*List Manager* Challenges for Days
*DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

Aunty Sue said...

Sorry forgot to add my 2nd entry for using your image but done now. Fab inspiration by the team

KathyA. said...

My ISP has been acting glitchy tonight and I just entered this challenge twice. Can you please delete my duplicate #33? Thanks! Kathy A at myasperations

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.